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rise from one’s ashes
东山再起  detail>>
if you rise from the ashes
如果你死灰复燃  detail>>
rise from the ashes
从毁灭中再生  detail>>
from the ashes
从灰烬中  detail>>
ashes from paradise
迷色嫌疑犯  detail>>
beauty from ashes
美自灰烬出  detail>>
clear the ashes from a stove
掏炉灰  detail>>
phoenix from the ashes
不死之身  detail>>
return from the ashes
历劫余生  detail>>
rise from
自…冒出  detail>>
rise from cotton garments
布衣起家  detail>>
rise from lair
飞龙左右穿梭两大势力战争的 龙穴  detail>>
rise from the dead
死而复生, 复活  detail>>
rise from the gutter
从微贱中发迹  detail>>
rise from the level ground
平地而起  detail>>
rise from the ranks
出身卑微 由寒微发迹  detail>>
rise from the table
起席  detail>>
rise from your grave
从坟墓中复活吧  detail>>